ventureLAB's Annual Report 2023

June 12, 2024
ventureLAB News

2023 has been nothing short of excitement for our team at ventureLAB.

As Canada’s first and only lab and incubator dedicated to hardware and semiconductor-focused startups, ventureLAB continues to support Canadian HardTech companies across diverse sectors, with one mission in mind: Powering hardtech founders to build and scale globally competitive ventures that advance Canada's knowledge-based economy. 

Led by seasoned business leaders and advisors, ventureLAB empowers global tech startups with unbiased guidance and access to resources such as vast networks and opportunities to foster global commercialization. 

At ventureLAB, we pride ourselves on embracing a culture-first and people-driven organization. ventureLAB is honored to be recertified for the Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures Award program for the third year in a row. With a keen focus on hardware technology, the priorities of ventureLAB’s unique RIVIR culture remain to be Relentless, Inclusive, driving Visionary Innovation through a team-based, Results-oriented approach.

In 2023, ventureLAB had been growing its national and global presence, facilitating strategic partnerships with global key players in the HardTech industry. In June, ventureLAB announced the launch of the HardTech Investor Network, the only hardware and deep-tech focused investor network supporting pre-seed and seed stage startups in Canada. In addition, ventureLAB hosted its third-annual HardTech Summit in November, bringing together more than 900 industry leaders, making it the biggest summit yet.

Read our 2023 Annual Report below. 

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